The Oaks

Homes modeled for sustainability that produce as much or more energy than they consume.

Rose Villa partnered with Portland, Oregon design-build firm Green Hammer to envision and build the Pacific Northwest’s first ever zero-energy senior living neighborhood. This neighborhood is ideal for people who seek a living option that matches their sustainable ideals, and for those who value the notion that how we live impacts our neighbors, community and the planet. Each residence is built to Passive House standards, a designation that signifies that the homes produce enough energy to offset their energy use over the course of a year. Four two-bedroom, two bath triplexes are centered around a shared central courtyard that features two native White Oak trees, which serve as the catalyst for the neighborhood’s identity. The solar panels, super-tight building envelope, triple-pane tilt-open windows, high energy-efficient appliances and mechanicals are unique to The Oaks.


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